Cushingâ??s syndrome is the set of clinical manifestations secondary to a chronic\nexcess of glucocorticoids. Bilateral macronodular adrenal hyperplasia with subclinical\ncortisol secretion is the most common, but its prevalence remains unknown.\nWe describe a case of bilateral macronodular adrenal hyperplasia. This\nis a 36-year-old female patient who had been consulting for secondary amenorrhea\nand developing asthenia for 4 months. The clinical examination noted\nan overweight patient with high blood pressure, facio-trunk obesity, hirsutism\nand purple stretch marks in the abdomen and thighs. Biologically, hypokalemia\nat 2.9 meq/l (3.5 - 5.4), normal calcemia at 90 mg/l (85 - 104), fasting\nblood sugar was 0.84 g/l (0.7 - 1), the tests for minute, low and high dexamethasone\nsuppression test revealed insufficient suppression of cortisol. The cortisoluria\ncollected from the second day to the third day of the high dexamethasone\nsuppression test was at.....................